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IBM + Open International

From theory to practice, implementing Artificial Intelligence to boost customer experience

What you will learn

Customer service expectations have been redefined by market leaders, including Amazon, Apple, and Uber, to name but a few. These companies have moved from reacting to predicting customer needs; to serve customers through the channel of their choice, to enable customers to serve themselves, and provide visibility into fulfillment processes effectively. These customer service visionaries optimize the customer’s experience, satisfaction, and brand identity, while simultaneously reducing costs to serve. They realize the strategic benefit of driving increased capacity for reinvestment and innovation, creating a virtuous cycle. Having experienced what 21st-century customer service feels like, today’s consumers expect it from all their service providers, including utilities. Time after time, utilities fall short in delivering the experience their customers expect and deserve. Today’s market leading strategies are not going to get the job done. In this webinar, we will discuss where utilities are struggling to deliver innovation and some fresh options to help them get out of the rut and transform into a utility of the future. In this webinar you will:


Understand why utilities are tangled when it comes to enhancing customer experience.


Learn the three levels that need to be addressed holistically in a system architecture to boost innovation.


See how the holistic approach of AI tools and perfect at the core platforms can enhance customer experience in real-life situations.

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